MyMOMS Help Center


Troubleshooting A Slow Loading MyMOMS

  1. Check other application in the computer if behave the same as MyMOMS. If yes, suspect the internet connectivity is slow at that time. Try again once the connectivity is normal.
  2. If no, contact MyMOMS administrator to find out if there is any problem with MyMOMS application.
  3. If the system is stable and no problem user is advise to perform these steps in their computer.

    3a. At Google Chrome browser, on the right corner click three (3) dots click history menu.
    3b. Click “Clear Browsing Data”.
    3c. Close browser by clicking “X”
    3d. Launch new browser and login to MyMOMS again.


  4. At Safari browser, close current browser by clicking “X”
  5. Launch new browser and login to MyMOMS again.