Network Solutions

Fast Stable and Secure

Mesiniaga's Network Solutions ensures that your networking technology needs are kept abreast with the latest advancements in this field. You can depend on Mesiniaga with our array of experts to give you the best advice on optimising your network infrastructure environment.

We provide

Network assessment, design and optimisation advisory.

Network implementation and migration.

Network support and managed services.



Best at fine-tuning configurations to maximise capacity of current investment.


Fastest speed is a priority in our network design for your environment.


Configured to avoid intermittent signals and latency.


Network implementations are built with secure design.

Our areas of expertise


Wireless LAN

Internet Access Management

IP Core Implementation

WAN Optimisation

Network Security

Data Center Networking

Cabling System

Causes of Inefficiencies in a Network Environment

Excess Capacity

Changes to the network done over a period of time may create excess capacity due to:

  • silo designs based on sections of the network;
  • equipment that is used out of the box with unnecessary features;
  • not properly configured for optimal performance and;
  • over reliance on brand instead of actual requirement.

Not Forecasting Future Usage

The inability to audit the network environment and forecast future utilisation also has a strong impact on the efficiency of your network. We need to understand the actual requirements of the business in terms of traffic and services for the future.

Equipment End-Of-Life

Network equipment devices are often not managed well enough and records of warranty, product features and updates, manufacturer support, tracking and measures are not in place to ensure that the equipment can be well managed and supported by principals. EOL may cause your network to be down as some features are no longer supported.

Network Access Policies

It is important to have strong policies on user access management and authorisation to amend the network configuration. Many organisations do not have or do not practise the right policies in:

  • assigning authorised users;
  • logging in users or vendors who access the configurations;
  • setting up safe time-windows for any changes to be made;
  • implementing an effective roll-back capability to manage the network infrastructure.

Network Infrastructure Done Right

Run an assessment first to find out exactly what is needed and what can be re-used.

Engage experts with large scale networks experience.

Have a dedicated team to ensure that network equipment are properly configured and adjusted accordingly throughout its lifespan.

Engage with Mesiniaga which has strong relations with major network product principals.

Premium Status with Major Principals

Our Major Customers

We were awarded as Best Mega Partner to Telekom Malaysia

Learn more about Mesiniaga's Network Solutions


No, it is not necessary for a full network assessment on all of your projects. 2 situations that would call for an assessment include:

  1. When embarking on a network refresh, then a network assessment will help in terms of optimizing cost and network efficiency for an optimal total cost of ownership (TCO) of your network infrastructure.
  2. When there are constant network breakdowns and failures related to design issues which could cause you to spend more on maintaining your infrastructure.

Network management system (NMS) tools are necessary for a complex environment setting and less important for small scale network upgrade.

NMS are most useful for immediate notification of system problems via automated alerts that are established via threshold settings.

In essence, NMS is used for:

  • performance management,
  • configuration management,
  • security management,
  • fault management and
  • asset management.

Each of these fundamental areas addresses specific elements ranging from identification of new devices added to the network via auto-discovery, topological mapping of the network infrastructure linked to the auto-discovery capabilities, fault isolation and grouping for advanced troubleshooting, through to network analysis for real-time performance metrics and asset inventory and management.

Your options would include:

  1. In-house. You can hire trained support resources to manage and maintain the infrastructure daily. This takes a bit of planning as there are several skills that needs to be addressed, such as:

    1. network administrator(s),
    2. systems administrator(s),
    3. database administrator(s),
    4. security administrator(s),
    5. application developer(s),
    6. end-user support administrator(s),
    7. IT manager/director, desktop administrator(s) and
    8. document management administrator(s).

  2. Outsource the infrastructure management to a capable third-party service provider and all the above functions would be provided by the third party.

Several situations merit a network refresh. These include:

  1. when there is a merger and acquisition of a business,
  2. when a department expands significantly,
  3. when the existing technology infrastructure becomes obsolete and is no longer supported by the vendor,
  4. when the business changes its core technology vendor/supplier and 
  5. when a technology provider is acquired by another vendor or ceases business